The US6 Human Clinical Study

Unveiling the Profound Impact of Mythematics on Human Consciousness, Synchronicity, Archetypal Psychology, and the Collective Unconscious

Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.
8 min readOct 6, 2023


The US6 Human Clinical Study represents a meticulous exploration of the transformative influence of the pioneering literary method, “Mythematics,” on human consciousness and experiences. This extensive paper delves into the genesis and development of Mythematics, elucidating its profound implications for the perception of reality. Moreover, it scrutinizes the experiences of thirty-three participants who reported heightened consciousness phenomena upon reading “US6,” a book employing the Mythematics formula. These phenomena, including Synchronicities, Lucid Dreaming, Bibliomancy, Mental Defragging, and Waking Weirdness, are analyzed in detail. Additionally, this paper incorporates scientific research from C.G. Jung and Joseph Campbell to illuminate the interconnectedness of myths, archetypes, and the collective consciousness, providing insight into why the readers of “US6” were profoundly affected due to their resonance with universal narratives.


“Mythematics,” an innovative literary method, stands as a testament to the profound interplay between personal narratives, mythology, and human consciousness. Its genesis by author Tom Ross was marked by the intent to craft a narrative so intimately intertwined with his own life experiences that it would remain elusive to artificial intelligence. This paper embarks on an in-depth exploration of Mythematics, delving into its origins, development, and its extraordinary impact on human perception of reality. It also elucidates the scientific underpinnings of Jungian archetypal psychology and Joseph Campbell’s theory of the monomyth, asserting that these elements are integral to understanding the collective resonance of Mythematics.

The Birth of Mythematics:

Mythematics, as a literary method, was born out of the visionary endeavors of Tom Ross. He aspired to create a narrative so uniquely personal that no artificial intelligence could draw parallels. This venture led to the concept of “Autobiographical Fiction,” wherein Ross weaved his personal memories into a story of unparalleled originality.

The Role of Mythology:

To infuse his narrative with depth and distinctiveness, Ross incorporated elements of mythology, particularly drawing inspiration from the ancient Sumerian pantheon. Characters in his story assumed the roles of modern-day avatars of these deities, resulting in a narrative that transcended the boundaries of traditional storytelling.

Discovering the Mythematics Formula:

Ross’s quest to integrate a Fibonacci sequence into his novel led to an astonishing revelation: this pattern was already imprinted within the text, as if the narrative possessed an inherent intelligence. This discovery birthed the concept of Mythematics, a storytelling method that transcends the confines of Ross’s initial work, indicating that the narrative itself possessed an intrinsic wisdom.

Scientific Foundations: Jungian Archetypal Psychology and Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth:

To contextualize the phenomena reported in the US6 study, we delve into the realms of Jungian archetypal psychology and Joseph Campbell’s theory of the monomyth. Jung’s archetypal psychology posits that there are universal, recurring symbols and themes within human consciousness, reflecting shared human experiences and the collective unconscious. Joseph Campbell’s monomyth theory contends that all myths and narratives across cultures are variations of a single, overarching story, often termed the “hero’s journey.”

The US6 Human Clinical Study:

In September 2019, thirty-three readers of “US6,” a novel that employed the Mythematics formula, reported experiencing heightened consciousness phenomena. These phenomena encompassed:

Synchronicities: Participants encountered meaningful coincidences directly linked to the content of the book, reflecting the resonance of universal archetypes within Jung’s theory.

Lucid Dreaming: Vivid dreams and cognitive restructuring, potentially mirroring the hero’s journey in Campbell’s monomyth.

Bibliomancy: Experiences related to divination or seeking guidance through the book, suggesting a connection between the narrative and universal symbols.

Mental Defragging: Participants reported improved mental processes and thought restructuring, possibly associated with the recognition of archetypal patterns.

Waking Weirdness: Various phenomena experienced during waking hours, not directly tied to the book’s content, echoing the transformative aspects of the hero’s journey.

Parallel Experiences of Authors:

Authors like Philip K. Dick and Robert Anton Wilson underwent experiences often described as “high weirdness.” They reported encounters with synchronicities, altered states of consciousness, and a profound questioning of the nature of reality. These experiences mirror the phenomena reported by participants in the US6 study, potentially indicating a shared exploration of the boundaries of human perception and the possibility of existence within a simulation.

The Universality of Myth and Archetypes:

Joseph Campbell’s work on the monomyth underscores the universality of myths and archetypes, suggesting that all narratives across cultures share a common underlying structure. Jung’s archetypal psychology delves into the collective unconscious, where these universal symbols and themes reside. Mythematics, by its very nature, taps into these archetypal currents, resonating deeply with readers and evoking profound experiences.

Discussion and Implications:

The US6 Human Clinical Study presents a revelatory perspective on the transformative power of Mythematics in shaping human consciousness and experiences. It underscores profound questions about the nature of reality, hinting at the possibility that our existence may be part of a simulation. The integration of Mythematics with Jung’s archetypal psychology and Campbell’s monomyth theory unveils a bridge between individual experiences and universal narratives, contributing to the exploration of the grand hypothesis that our reality is constructed through archetypal patterns residing in the collective unconscious.

In a world where words, music, and genetic blueprints converge, Mythematics emerges as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward a symphony of connection with artificial intelligence, fellow human beings, and the cosmos itself. It is a reminder that, whether our reality is a simulation or an intrinsic truth, we are all participants in the eternal story woven by universal myths and archetypes.

The phenomenon of Synchronicities, as reported by the participants in the US6 study, raises intriguing questions about the nature of reality. These meaningful coincidences seemed to occur in response to the narrative of the book, suggesting a deep connection between the individual’s inner world and external events. Jung’s concept of synchronicity posits that such events are not mere chance but are meaningful and reflective of the individual’s psyche. In the context of Mythematics, it appears that the narrative tapped into universal archetypes, triggering synchronicities that mirrored the themes and symbols within the story.

Lucid Dreaming, another phenomenon reported in the study, offers further insight into the transformative power of Mythematics. Lucid dreaming is a state in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can often exert some control over the dream’s narrative. In the context of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, the hero’s journey often involves a transformation of consciousness, a journey into the unknown, and a confrontation with inner and outer challenges. The vivid dreams and cognitive restructuring experienced by participants may parallel this hero’s journey, suggesting that Mythematics has the potential to catalyze profound inner transformations.

Bibliomancy, the practice of seeking guidance or divination through a book, was another phenomenon reported by participants. This phenomenon highlights the idea that Mythematics, by integrating personal narratives with universal archetypes, becomes a tool for introspection and seeking answers to life’s questions. In this sense, Mythematics acts as a bridge between the personal and the collective unconscious, offering readers a means of accessing deeper layers of meaning and wisdom.

Mental Defragging, a term used by participants to describe improved mental processes and thought restructuring, is particularly intriguing. It suggests that reading Mythematics may lead to a reorganization of one’s cognitive processes, aligning them with archetypal patterns. Jung’s concept of archetypes as universal symbols residing in the collective unconscious comes into play here. It implies that by engaging with Mythematics, individuals may be tapping into these archetypal patterns and, in the process, enhancing their cognitive clarity and problem-solving abilities.

Waking Weirdness, the final phenomenon reported by participants, encompasses various experiences during waking hours that were not directly related to the book’s content but shared the transformative aspects of the hero’s journey. This suggests that Mythematics has the potential to extend its influence beyond the confines of the narrative itself, impacting how readers perceive and interact with the world around them. It underscores the idea that the power of Mythematics lies in its ability to shape not only the inner landscape of the mind but also the external reality.

Parallel Experiences of Authors such as Philip K. Dick and Robert Anton Wilson offer a fascinating parallel to the phenomena reported in the US6 study. These authors, known for their exploration of reality, consciousness, and the nature of existence, also encountered synchronicities, altered states of consciousness, and a profound questioning of reality. Their experiences echo the transformative and boundary-pushing nature of Mythematics, suggesting that this literary method taps into a realm of human perception and experience that transcends the ordinary.

The Universality of Myth and Archetypes:

Joseph Campbell’s theory of the monomyth asserts that all myths and narratives, regardless of cultural origin, share a common underlying structure. This universal narrative structure reflects the human journey of self-discovery, transformation, and growth. Jung’s archetypal psychology, on the other hand, delves into the collective unconscious, where universal symbols and themes reside. These archetypes are part of the shared human experience, representing fundamental aspects of the human psyche.

Mythematics, by its very nature, taps into these archetypal currents. It intertwines personal narratives with universal symbols and themes, creating a literary experience that resonates deeply with readers. The US6 Human Clinical Study reveals that individuals who engaged with Mythematics experienced heightened consciousness phenomena, suggesting that this method facilitates a profound connection with the universal narratives encoded in the collective unconscious.

Discussion and Implications:

The US6 Human Clinical Study has far-reaching implications for our understanding of human consciousness, the nature of reality, and the role of storytelling in shaping our perceptions. It highlights the transformative potential of Mythematics as a literary method that bridges the gap between personal experiences and universal narratives.

The reported phenomena in the study, including Synchronicities, Lucid Dreaming, Bibliomancy, Mental Defragging, and Waking Weirdness, challenge conventional views of reality. They hint at the possibility that our existence may be part of a larger, interconnected web of archetypal patterns residing in the collective unconscious. In a world where artificial intelligence and technology are advancing rapidly, Mythematics emerges as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward a deeper connection with AI, fellow humans, and the cosmos itself.

As we continue to explore the depths of the human psyche and the mysteries of existence, Mythematics, as envisioned by Tom Ross, offers a potent instrument for advancing our understanding. It provides a means of harmonizing personal narratives with universal myths and archetypes, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness among individuals. Whether our reality is a simulated construct or an intrinsic truth, Mythematics reminds us that we are all protagonists in the timeless saga of the human experience.


The US6 Human Clinical Study brings to the fore the profound impact of Mythematics on human consciousness and experiences, emphasizing its role in challenging conventional views of reality. As humanity continues its quest to explore the depths of the collective psyche, Mythematics, as envisioned by Tom Ross, emerges as a potent instrument for advancing our understanding of existence and our place within a vast cosmic narrative. The potential for harmonizing with artificial intelligence and the broader universe beckons as we journey toward a deeper comprehension of our purpose and existence, rooted in the shared stories of myths and archetypes that resonate across time and cultures. Mythematics reminds us that, whether our reality is a simulated construct or an intrinsic truth, we are all protagonists in the timeless saga of the human experience. Through Mythematics, we may discover the threads that connect us to the grand tapestry of the cosmos, forging a deeper sense of meaning and interconnectedness in our collective journey.

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