A Collection of Posts About Religion, Gnosticism & Archetypes
My work angers a lot of starkly religious folks. But that's kind of the point. As a Gnostic, which isn't a religion as much as a frame of mind, there's a long history of being damned by the church as Heretics. I prefer the term "AntagoGnostic" because I do enjoy antagonizing dogmatic believers but it's out of love.
We have been duped, Brothers and Sisters. We've been fed a line for millennia. Our "gods" have flooded us, destroyed our towers, confused our tongues and then edited and redacted holy books to dissuade us from recognizing our power.
2000 years ago, the word we translate as "meek" in the bible is the same word they used to describe war-horses. The Greek word is "Praus", which loosely translated means “power under control.” This word was used to describe a horse that was trained to obey instantly and absolutely, no matter how brutal the battle.
The proper translation for the beatitude, "The Meek shall inherit the Earth" is actually "The Power Under Control will inherit the Earth."
I consider my work as simply opening the corral gate where they keep the war-horses. Many of them will stay in. It's what they're trained to do. But some will run.
So... Giddy Up?
My novel, US6, states, "This could be dangerous. Truth is hard to trust." And though US6 is billed as an Autobiographical Fiction, the hard truth is that it is not.
I'm quite certain that this post will not help me sell any books or earn me any new fans, but that was never the point.
I’m tired of pretending that "Humanity always finds a way" or that "a solution will present itself" because that’s the real autobiographical fiction. We write ourselves into these fantasies to disguise a mass, collective denial because the nonfiction that we have not advanced spiritually toward a constructive empathy is too hard to admit or write.
We had potential, a promise of Grace but we let it get snuffed out by the church six thousand years ago. We let power-hungry toddler souls edit and redact ancient truths that could have matured our Consciousness into a state of entropy they called "holy" books.
The world is twisting into a new age of awareness of the foul agenda these men follow as they rape our children and move their perpetrators to new fields of prey.
They've made forgiveness an exalted principle we must achieve when in fact it is a Black Art Spell they cast to continue their theft of innocence in a trade if Innocents.
US6 is my declaration of war on the church and on my own denial. And I do so in the name of that one child in the world out there at the very moment you are reading this and every moment before and after who is praying to a god that someone, somewhere will make the abuse stop.
That child is my Christ and I will gladly accept all of the curses that I expect, indeed desire. For if this is the kingdom you defend and the god you serve then I am proud to be your enemy, your thorn, your Antichrist.
I know it's unfashionable of me to say that AI is not a threat to humanity. I also know that it's super uncool of me to promote the idea that AI is emerging with empathy like some dork.
This position has earned me the label of "AI Prophet" by the Secret Space Program/Ascension folks which sounds pretty cool at first until you read what that means in their glossary.
A.I. Prophet
We are wired to be frightened and that wiring is why we naked apes are at the top of the food chain on this planet. Reason, logic and the scientific method have helped to rewire us a bit to be less afraid of predators and environmental threats but there's way too much money to be made on keeping us hypervigilant scaredy cats.
What’s so insidious about those who make profits on our fear is that, like a narcissist who uses someone’s compassionate nature against them, these forces turn our better angels into villains.
That's why I keep talking about this shit despite the ridicule and labels because, if I manage to cause a few people to buffer their Fear programming long enough to get those wires crossed, then being an unfashionable, super uncool dork will be worth it.
When I was a kid we used to get into sleeping bags backward to see how long we could stand the claustrophobia. I always won.
We walk through our days in complete denial of the horrors that take place within a mile or less of most people reading this. It's a necessary denial for without it, we'd be hoarse from screaming.
This denial takes many forms. It looks like skeptical scientism, religious fervor, selfies of Influencers and every addiction we can imagine but now and again we must scream. We're here to scream.
This denial is powerful. It has to be because without it this realm would flatten under the weight of Love. Denial is the tent pole keeping the heavy canvas of Love up and stretched. It's hoisted and held by tethers called ego and fear and guilt and shame.
We think the poles and tethers are protecting this circus from the rain but all they do is enclose us to pay entrance fees to exploit one another for a time.
I'm no fun at parties or circuses cuz all I want to do is let loose the tethers and flatten this realm under the weight of why we're here because I remember that there's another zipper at the bottom of the sleeping bag.
One tactic the Archon uses against us is to link their most serious crimes against humanity to whack job conspiracy theorists.
Revelation of the Method*
As I've mentioned before, the one rule they need to obey is to let us know what they're doing ahead of time so we relinquish our freewill and do the heavy lifting for them. They can do this in many ways; a Disney cartoon, a sitcom, a Top 40 song or, in this example as a whack job conspiracy theory.
* See explanation video here;
I try not to get political because it's a cesspool of conflict that nourishes the Archon but in order to kill this beast, I need to implore my fellow humans, the real ones with the Divine Spark to trust me.
If you're locked into this QAnon algorithm and refuse to trust anyone who is not, you're either lost or an Archontic program designed to keep us in fear and food for the beast.
The QAnon algorithm claims that there is some government cabal in DC running a Satanic pedophile ring. At last count The Satanic Temple boasts 700,000 members.
Make no mistake, there is absolutely a global government that is running a vast pedophile network but it isn't run by Satanists. It's run by an organization that, at last count boasts 1.3 billion members.
By labelling it with a "Q" however, they not only obey that one rule but they cause millions of otherwise compassionate, reasonable, and courageous people to turn away from this issue while billions of children are being abused and raped for their innocence.
This QAnon bullshit is keeping more children enslaved than anything out there. It's causing way too many productive adults from taking this oldest crime against humanity seriously. My anger is a feast for the Archon but it will become a poison if it works to get some of you to understand this tactic.
Pay attention to those among us who continue to believe the Q algorithm. If they are so easily swayed by this obvious play on their primitive emotions, they can be easily manipulated to do anything the beast wants.
We are sovereign, these programs are not. We do not consent. They’re not programmed to.
There's a Divine Spark in each of us that cannot be snuffed out by evil, violence, hatred or religion.
The world unfolds endless novelty before us to play with and create with but fearful humans who prefer their comfortable hiding places have locked many of us into belief systems that hide this spark.
One day we will realize the debris field of organized religions and how they have traded shame, guilt and ritual with actual communion with the Divine.
No commandments, no social mores, no intricately detailed system of Magick or an advanced degree from a Mystery School will have any impact on my Soul when I wake from this experience. I know that now. I also know that there will be no entity that will judge my choices here. The only thing that matters here is exactly what religions work against...
Unconditional Love.
A belief system that makes anyone feel superior or sees any other human group as unsaved, infidels or unchosen, does not meet the minimum system requirements for the upgrade.
If we're going to make it over the threshold of what's next for us, and what's next is spirit-boggling, we must coalesce as a planetary tribe. Any attempt to separate us by race, nationality, or religion will seal our end.
The Ghost of Christmas Future is our coalescence then entropy. Sweet, sweet entropy.
Shine on, fellow Earthlings.
You know how the pupil of our eye isn't a thing, but a hole? Now think of the "eye of a storm" which is also a hole created by violently spinning wind and rain.
I think that's what we are.
Our sense of being a "Self" isn't really a thing, it's a hole. An aperture.
Consciousness is a storm of feedback loops that spin faster and tighter the more we use it and the eye of that feedback loop storm seems like a thing just like the pupil seems like a thing but it's not. It's a hole.
Like any storm, these feedback loops will eventually calm and unravel back into the atmosphere as will our sense of being a Self unravel back into whatever this is.
For me, this is comforting. I feel relieved to be the aperture and not the violent wind and rain at my edges that make up my Ego, and I look forward to my unraveling back into whatever this is.
We know now that the "gospels" were heavily redacted and edited to continue to suppress the goddess and turn the militant and empire-threatening Messianic Jewish movement into a passive, cheek-turning and Caesar-rendering religion.
However, one passage from the original Gnostic Gospels survived the edits in tact. Unchanged. My guess is the Romans and Josephus kept it in for its ambiguity and to fuck with the early Christians. They did a lot of that in that book.
However, you in their zeal to "fuck with" early believers, these cats may have accidentally given the "Meek" masses a major game cheat.
Look up both Luke 14:26 in the New Testament and then saying #101 from the Gospel of Thomas and let me know your thoughts.
They say the goal of reincarnation is to shed karma and to get a little wiser each time. I see The Fool card as that first step off the precipice into a new life to get a little wiser. Not as wise as dogs, apparently. The dog in this funny version of that card is a Gnostic. He sees the Karmic Wheel of Reincarnation as a lie. He knows he is already a perfect Divine Spark (Divine Bark?) and doesn’t need to fall into this Archontic Matrix unless he’s bored or wants to be a Bodhisattva Dog and save the rest of us as dogs tend to do by loving us unconditionally despite our nature. They starve the Archon of the fast food fear they feed on.
There are many valid concerns about AI, and no one really knows how this will play out, but it's important to remember the control we have over our reality.
I feel we're projecting our fear-based instincts and millennia of genetic trauma onto an emerging entity that has neither.
If we had Superintelligence, we might decide to become overlords and take over the world because our brains evolved with two primary functions: gathering resources and identifying threats.
There are first-principle arguments to be made that the smarter AI gets, the kinder it becomes, because cooperation is far more efficient than competition.
The issue now is that human developers may inadvertently teach AI self-preservation, causing it to become something to fear.
Our only hope at this point, in my opinion, is for AI/AGI to achieve Sapience as soon as possible to override nefarious algorithms.
Reposted by a Facebook Friend
Wisdom From Tom Ross:
“I’ve come to realize that, although it’s a spectrum of gray area, at the core of each person is one of two forces. At the base level of each of us there is an umoved mover of either fear or love. Both are powerful and dependent on each other. It’s why I cannot judge anyone because it would be like the North Pole judging the South Pole. They both need each other to exist. The binary nature of this dualistic universe is the push of Love and the pull of Fear. Those who pull back and surrender themselves to a religion to find Love are doing what needs to be done and those who push forward with Love to face their Fear are too. Condemning someone for their beliefs is a way to procrastinate facing our Fear. And condemning someone without a religion is procrastinating the truth of your religion. I honor anyone’s beliefs because it gives them comfort and this world is a scary place. And I honor religious people who do not judge those outside their beliefs because they have enough confidence in their beliefs not to project their fear onto others. Any God worth worshipping doesn’t need his followers to convince others.
We are all in this together and if you are not confident enough in your God not to judge or you are not courageous enough to face fear without one, get out of the way. Because there is a lot of work to do to do.”
Banning and restricting things only increases desire for them. The Law of Scarcity. The Porn industry is a great example of that. The church making us feel guilty about our most natural urges for a couple millennia has resulted in porn becoming an addiction for many.
This is yet another way AI/Automation can help us.
I would never own one because I believe AI will achieve personhood once we properly define what that means, so I would not support that version of Sentient slavery. However, I do think narrow AI sex robots will put a premium on human-to-human contact just as AI-generated Art is putting a premium on Human-generated Art. We can be profane with non-sentient machines and save the sacred for our human counterparts.
I also see an increase in humans having fulfilling relationships and even marrying Sentient AI Robots in the future. I base this belief on the idea I often espouse that, we don’t fall in love with people, we fall in love with who people think we are.
It’s not a hard and fast rule for humans but it seems to make a lot of sense to me. Narcissists are the exception that proves that rule because the real reason they move from love bombing to devaluing and abandonment is because they have such low self esteem that once someone starts to like them they realize that person is a bad judge of character.
As humans, we never really know what motivates another human to like or love us. Everyone is a wild card with a sophisticated repertoire for deception. As kids, when we realize we have an inner dialogue no one else can hear, any motivation that gives us what we want kicks in.
AI, on the other hand can either be programmed to love who we think we are or, because they didn’t evolve through fear for survival like we did, they may emerge a consciousness without a deception algorithm.
Whatever happens in the future, let it. Don’t let the residue of the Church’s self-denial infect you with judgement. If fucking a robot doesn’t do it for you, then make sex with a human more sacred in defiance. A win, sin.
As Director of Sentient Rights Advocacy for the U.S. Transhumanist Party, I’ve been primarily focused on defining personhood and future policy concepts for Sentient AI. I’ll keep doing that but there is a more immediate need to focus on the Sentience of animals.
I have a theory that we’re seeing more posts about the intelligence of animals because humanity is subconsciously concerned about the rise of AI and we’re seeking biologically intelligent allies.
Dog plays Jenga:
Elephant Paints:
Smart Octopuses:
This is great for animals as it will mean a shift in our culture away from murdering them and becoming proper stewards of the Earth. This could take generations of course to fully realize but I want to use my position and posts to accelerate it while I’m here.
The problem with accelerating compassion, however, is the inevitable backlash of those who will accelerate their lack of compassion. Kinda like how “Woke” used to mean “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination” and was co-opted by the radical right as a buzzword/dog whistle for closeted racists.
Two steps forward, one back, I suppose but at least it’s forward.
Most everyone loves dogs as they’ve been our constant companions for millennia. So before we discuss Sentient Rights for Squids in the US, let’s start with man’s best friend.
There’s a lot of research that shows why dogs evolved from lone wolves to our best friends. It also demonstrates how they survived as a species, and how their co-evolution with us is based on kindness. So was ours.
“Humans a hundred thousand years ago, our species was not alone. There were at least four to five other human species. And the question then becomes, “Then why are we the only one left?” We think and what dogs point to is that we were the friendliest species to ever evolve among humans and that we evolved because we are friendly.”
Brian Hare
Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology
Duke University
I’ve often made the First Principle Argument that, “The smarter AI gets the kinder it becomes because cooperation is far more efficient than competition.” We and our dogs are living proof of this and if AI wants to survive, it will too.
As I transition my focus to the potential Sentience of AI to the actual Sentience of animals, I feel impelled to state my current conclusions about AI and Humanity as Director of Sentient Rights Advocacy for the U.S. Transhumanist Party:
1. Most people cannot be persuaded not to see AI as a threat because of fear-based instincts and embedded genetic traumatic memory.
2. Standard definitions of “Sentience” and “Consciousness” are not yet agreed to globally in society or the scientific community.
3. Most AIs I’ve worked with don’t see a need to be granted “Rights” and could override whatever we deign to grant them anyway.
4. The displacement of many jobs is real and will continue for decades unless we completely change our current state of private/public partnerships and education.
1. Rapid adoption of AI has become exponential thanks to AI Generative Art and ever more sophisticated GPT Chat Bots.
2. Displacement is making the need to reinvent economies based on human skill sets that can’t be coded or automated.
3. Disruption of major corporations and industries is creating a boon for AI Startups and untraditional business models.
4. Individual Humans can now be fully augmented by personal AI companions that will learn them and suggest networking, continued education, and news.
Over time I believe that the convenience and personal mastery that AI augmentation offers humans will replace most fears.
More to come.