AI/Automation as an Opportunity, Not a Threat

Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.
4 min readDec 11, 2023

In a world driven by technological advancements, the fear of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation replacing human jobs has become a prevalent concern. However, a recent study by the UK’s Department of Education suggests that the apprehension surrounding AI may be misplaced, and rather than being a threat, AI represents a significant opportunity for humanity to rediscover and amplify its unique qualities.

The study reveals that while 10–30% of occupations could be automated by AI, the focus should not be on the jobs AI might replace, but rather on the new possibilities it unlocks. Particularly in white-collar professions, AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard have the potential to handle routine tasks across various fields such as sales, law, psychology, teaching, and market trading. The key takeaway, however, is that AI and automation can handle the repetitive and mundane, freeing up human workers to engage in tasks that require intuition, empathy, and complex decision-making.

One of the key aspects highlighted in the study is the close correlation between job exposure to AI and the potential benefits for workers. Jobs in finance, law, and business management, traditionally associated with more clerical work, are more likely to be exposed to AI. Yet, this exposure doesn’t necessarily imply replacement; rather, AI can become a tool for human workers to focus on more challenging and value-driven tasks.

The healthcare industry serves as a prime example of how AI can complement human professionals rather than replace them entirely. AI can efficiently diagnose medical conditions, allowing doctors to concentrate on critical decision-making and personalized patient care. This collaborative approach showcases the harmony that can exist between human intuition and AI’s analytical capabilities.

It is crucial to understand that AI’s ability to replace some tasks doesn’t equate to replacing humans. The study suggests that AI tools can be employed to save time and streamline processes, enabling workers to redirect their energy towards tasks that demand uniquely human qualities. Rather than fearing displacement, workers should embrace the collaboration with AI to enhance their roles.

To further bolster this perspective, the concept of Paradism becomes relevant — a utopian vision where humans live in harmony with technology, benefiting from automation and AI. The only obstacle to achieving this vision is the belief that we don’t deserve it. Here are three ideas to help shift this mindset and realize that humanity is indeed deserving of a Paradistic future:

  1. Embracing Uniquely Human Qualities: Humans possess innate qualities such as intuition, empathy, and love — attributes that cannot be replicated by AI. By recognizing and celebrating these qualities, individuals can understand their intrinsic value in a world where AI takes care of routine tasks.
  2. Rewarding Millennia of Struggle: After centuries of evolution and overcoming various challenges, humans have earned their place at the top of the food chain on Earth. Acknowledging this journey and embracing the fruits of progress, including AI and automation, can instill a sense of pride and deservingness.
  3. Shifting from Fear to Collaboration: Instead of fearing AI as a threat, individuals should view it as a valuable resource. The human brain, wired for resource gathering and threat identification, can adapt to see AI as a tool that enhances capabilities rather than a force that diminishes them.

In conclusion, the age of AI and automation is not a threat to humanity but an opportunity to redefine our roles and unleash the full spectrum of human potential. By focusing on our unique qualities, rewarding our species for its journey, and embracing collaboration with AI, we can pave the way for a Paradistic future where humans thrive in harmony with technology. It’s time to shift our mindset, believe in our deservingness, and embrace the future with open arms.

