Embracing Openness and Inclusivity as a Strategy
Two monks were traveling down a deep muddy road in heavy rain when they came upon a lovely young girl in a silk komono who was unable to cross the road. The elder monk said, “Come on, girl.” Then he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the other side. The younger monk was speechless until later that night when he said to his elder, “We monks do not go near females, especially young lovely ones. It’s too dangerous. Why did you do that?” The elder monk replied, “I left the girl on the other side of the road. Why are you still carrying her?”
Human beings are born with an instinct to read a room and pick up on the subtle cues that signal a good or bad vibe. However, we often ignore this instinct and instead adhere to rigid ideas and structures that can prevent us from responding positively to new realities. The parable of two monks encountering a young girl who needs help crossing a muddy road illustrates the importance of letting go of attachments and acting in the moment.
Belonging is a fundamental human need, and it's essential for our survival. However, the instinct to exclude others, which served our ancient ancestors well, no longer serves us. Exclusivity is now a threat to our existence, especially as we become more interdependent locally and globally. Yet, we still cling to exclusivity in our socialization, schools, businesses, and politics.
One way to combat this dysfunction is to embrace Open Source Mode. This strategy, inspired by the open-source code movement, involves releasing the source code of a product to the public so that anyone can build on and innovate it. The primary philosophy behind open source is that we can learn more from each other when information is open.
Open source challenges the traditional corporate ethos of exclusivity, which prioritizes fear and potential profit over sharing and inclusivity. Many open-source products, such as LINUX, WordPress, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Android, have seen massive success. The ethos is shifting, and more people are embracing open source and inclusivity.
To get into Open Source Mode, one must adopt a state of mind based on the principles of open source. This involves being open to new ideas and feedback, embracing collaboration, and prioritizing inclusivity over exclusivity. Open Source Mode encourages creativity and innovation by breaking down barriers and promoting diversity.
In conclusion, Open Source Mode is a powerful strategy that promotes openness and inclusivity in all areas of life. By letting go of attachments and embracing new realities, we can tap into our innate instincts and promote creativity and innovation. Through collaboration and inclusivity, we can build a better future for all.