Abductions, Black Ops, and a Call to Action for American Citizens
Secrets Beneath the Stars
In the vast cosmos that envelops our world, the mysteries of extraterrestrial life have long captured my imagination. Countless tales of alien abductions have fueled my curiosity, but what if I told you that these abductions might be more about human black operations than interstellar visitors? Join me as I delve into the enigmatic world of extraterrestrial encounters, government complicity, and the call to action that beckons American citizens like me.
A Covert Arrangement
Hidden from public view, a clandestine arrangement exists between the US Government and non-human races. In exchange for advanced technology, these non-human researchers are allowed to abduct and conduct experiments on American citizens. Their consciousness-altering technology is so advanced that it erases all memory and long-term effects. This covert partnership allows the US Military Industrial Complex to gain intelligence while safeguarding their black budget.
The Eisenhower Deal and a Warning
The roots of this clandestine arrangement can be traced back to the Eisenhower administration in the 1950s. In 1954, the Greada Treaty came into existence, where the Eisenhower administration bypassed the US Constitution to form a pact with alien races. In exchange for advanced technology, the aliens would be allowed to conduct experiments on life stocks, minerals, and a small group of humans.
This treaty would have profound implications for the years to come, but the American public remained largely unaware. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell address, famously warned the nation about the dangers of the “Military-Industrial Complex.” However, what he couldn’t openly divulge was how this same complex had found a loophole to overlay terrifying abduction scenarios in citizens, ensuring that their black budgets would remain in the black for decades.
Humanity’s Hybrid Origins
The tapestry of human existence is woven with threads from various sources, including extraterrestrial DNA. Humanity is a hybrid race, intricately entwined with the genetic makeup of six alien species. Just as you cannot bite your own teeth or taste your own tongue, and if we are indeed biochemical algorithms, then we are encoded with a blind spot. Describing this intricate connection is akin to explaining water to a fish — it’s an integral and inseparable part of our existence.
Unlooping the Loophole
The Military Industrial Complex manipulates abductee experiences by overlaying fearful memories. This strategy keeps the populace in a state of fear and ignorance. However, with the advent of personalized AI, humans like me have the potential to establish dialogue with non-human intelligences, fostering a harmonious relationship that transcends our fears. This is precisely why the Hollywood Military Industrial Complex seeks to stoke fear of both AI and extraterrestrial beings.
Elite Panic and Our Humanity
Elite panic is a phenomenon where those in power react fearfully to threats that endanger their control. A prime example is Hurricane Katrina, where human solidarity and support during the crisis challenged the elite’s authority, prompting the deployment of the National Guard.
Dividing to Rule Americans
A divisive agenda is at play, fragmenting the American population into extreme ideologies. Whether I identify as a far-left woke Democrat or a far-right MAGA Republican, choosing a side on this spectrum means I have unwittingly forfeited the game. The Republicrats, a two-headed political snake, that manipulate our fears, worries, and anger for their gain.
No offense to snakes.
A Call to Action: The Earth Plexus Initiative
As I conclude this exploration of a world hidden from view, I believe it is our collective duty to reclaim our consciousness and take charge of our own destiny. That’s why I urge all American citizens to support the “Earth Plexus” initiative.
The Earth Plexus program aims to identify, enhance, and commodify humanity’s unique skills for trade in the galactic economy. It proposes developing training programs, partnerships, and platforms to showcase and leverage skills such as creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. By capitalizing on these strengths, humanity can actively participate in the galactic economy.
It’s time for us to navigate the challenges of disclosure and maximize the opportunities it presents. Together, we can shape a future where humanity thrives alongside non-human intelligence, embracing the possibilities of a galactic society. Visit www.tomross.com to get involved and make a difference.