My Lessons from Robert Anton Wilson & Marilyn Ferguson
"You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as yourself and your friends," said Robert Anton Wilson. Those words have stuck with me since I first heard them. Meeting Robert was a big moment for me, tied to my work at the Brain/Mind Bulletin and my LA TV show, Unearth.
I got to know Robert through Marilyn Ferguson. Marilyn published the Brain/Mind Bulletin and wrote “The Aquarian Conspiracy.” Her book wasn’t about astrology, as some thought but was actually a powerful political book. In fact, the “Utne Reader” named it the best political book of the 1980s.
In the 1990s, I worked as Marilyn's Media Relations representative. We knew we were being watched by government agencies and other groups like the Lyndon LaRouche followers. We often heard clicks on our phones, a sign we were under surveillance. Marilyn’s take on this was, "Good. Maybe they'll learn something."
When I interviewed Robert Anton Wilson, we talked about seeing the world as a conspiracy. He didn't mean this in a scary way but as a way to understand how things are connected. He believed that by seeing the world this way, we could navigate it more wisely. His quote suggested that we should imagine ourselves as part of this powerful group, capable of influencing the world.
Marilyn’s attitude about being watched fit well with Robert’s views. Instead of fearing the government agencies, we saw them as people who could learn from us. If we were doing nothing wrong, maybe our ideas could influence them.
Talking with Robert was eye-opening. We discussed conspiracies and power structures and shifted our perspective to being the ones conspiring and releasing our fear of being watched. His idea was to use this awareness to our advantage, not to be afraid.
Marilyn and Robert showed me that being watched can be a chance to teach. By recognizing that the watchers are human too, we can share our knowledge with them. This is even more important today, when it feels like privacy is shrinking.
Their lessons remind us that in a world of conspiracies, we have the power to make a positive impact. By staying true to our work and not fearing those who watch, we can spread our ideas into those dark crevices where these souls hide.
By Tom Ross Agency