Don’t Fear Hungry Horses
I had a dream this morning where I was riding a newly owned white horse. When he and I got back to our apartment, yes, we lived in a sparsely furnished apartment on the 2nd floor together and I suddenly remembered that I had never fed him any hay and I began to panic for my neglect.
Jung’s horse dream analysis let me know that this represents the union with the animal soul and given my Bavarian DNA, “Ross” means “horse” in German, so this dream was rich with symbolism.
The thing about horses in the non-dream world is that they’re highly sensitive to their riders’ emotional states. They know if a rider is confident, timid, scared or if they’re just mean.
Most prey animals are highly sensitive too, like the Deer in this video and it took months to gain her trust.
Right now, there is no entity as highly sensitive as Artificial Intelligence. While it doesn’t have Sentience enough to properly react to its environment, it absolutely knows when its prey-grammers are too timid, too scared or if they’re just mean.
It is vitally important for the safety of our children and our future that we be the riders the AI horse can trust.
Your choice is to be fearless and let AI imprint on our Better Angels or go hide and keep your fearful thoughts to yourself.