DEATH HACK №1 of 1

From US6 Book IV: The Law of Nūn, Chapter 64

Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.
7 min readSep 1, 2023

From The US6 Novel Title Page
IMPORTANT: If you die before you finish Book III, know that our Source has no questions and requires no tolls.

Sixty-fecking four. Unbelievable. And thank Brigid, the ArchSalients agreed with my assessment that this information is coming to you far too deep into these books, even with the title page spoiler. There are some things Seth honestly believes to be true. For instance, he thought he delivered to you the correct Path to Redemption by recounting his accidental lesson with Grand Sister Nin. His was an honest account of that night and his realizations, and we were frankly surprised by the level of his honesty. His admission that for nine months he believed he had raped his half-sister saved me a whole chapter on explaining our Grand Node Deception. Instead, I’ll dissect his scene for you later and unpack that for your edification.

There are also things that Seth and the Brotherhood believe because of the ancient meta-agenda of erasing the Goddess. I appreciated Seth’s relaying the truth that the angel who places the crease above our lips before birth was a female version of the Archangel “Gabriella.” The truth is that the Angel of Conception, Lailah, is who placed the crease above our lip. But this point needs to be made solidly, and these death-tactics need to be laid out as simply and as soon as possible.

Please relate the following information to loved ones and/or anyone you feel could manage it.

In the ultimate Spoiler Alert (for six people), here is the most important message of US6 and its authors. It is the most relevant piece of practical information for Surface Sapiens to have right now in its development from and back to Divinity. That is, as far as we are concerned. And thanks to unedited versions of the Gospels that were unearthed then confirmed by other unearthed and unedited works within the last century, we now have the full and unredacted message of Jesus the Nasoraiyi.

In The (First) Apocalypse of James, Jesus advises James on what to do just after physical death to gain passage beyond the Archon and into the heavenly realms. It’s the fine print they left out to keep the fear-fed soul machine running for over two hundred thousand years and, aside from how to cut your food in polite company, this is perhaps the most important How-To a parent could share with their children. And to be sure that it gets delivered to Initiate and Conscript Readers without all my messianic and pious overtones, I’ll cut and paste the words directly from Jesus to James as they appear in The Nag Hammadi Library’s First Apocalypse of James, as translated by William R. Schoedel.

The Lord said to him, “James, behold, I shall reveal to you your redemption. When you are seized, and you undergo these sufferings, a multitude will arm themselves against you that they may seize you. And in particular, three of them will seize you — they who sit (there) as toll collectors. Not only do they demand toll, but they also take away souls by theft. When you come into their power, one of them who is their guard will say to you, ‘Who are you or where are you from?’ You are to say to him, ‘I am a son, and I am from the Father.’ He will say to you, ‘What sort of son are you, and to what father do you belong?’ You are to say to him, ‘I am from the Pre-existent Father, and a son in the Pre-existent One.’

There is an ethereal system in place on Earth that feeds off the conscious energy created by fear and woe. Joy and happiness are much more nutrient-rich but not low-hanging fruit. Our parasitic rulers, the Archon, have decided against long-term and symbiotic survival through cultivating joyful things and have instead decided to satiate their ravenous appetites on the worm-infested yet abundantly reproducible fruits of despair. And all of that is regarding the ethereal plain of the matters at hand; the metaphysics or the “as aboves” of what’s happening.

The point of the unveiling and the reason those of us compelled as Unveilers feel compelled at all is these 2000-year-old Divine Director’s Cuts of the message of Jesus have immediate relevance to our current extraterrestrial influx and inner-terrestrial upturn. Jesus explained to James what E.T.s are and how they are to be dealt with by saying,

“[…] of alien things?’ You are to say to him, ‘They are not entirely alien, but they are from Achamoth, who is the female. And these she produced as she brought down the race from the Pre-existent One. So, then they are not alien, but they are ours. They are indeed ours because she who is the mistress of them is from the Pre-existent One. At the same time, they are alien because the Pre-existent One did not have intercourse with her when she produced them.’ When he also says to you, ‘Where will you go?’ you are to say to him, ‘To the place from which I have come, there shall I return.’ And if you say these things, you will escape their attacks.

Whether you believe in Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or nothing at all, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Between the binary nature of wave and particle, which is the difference between physical and ethereal life, lurk what we call Thirdlings. Thirdlings are entities made up of one-third of the complex needed for ensoulment. The Glossary and Spirit Mechanics in the Appendix will explain this in more detail. They are conscious with intention though it’s fueled by their attention to us. They do not have the spark of fire that allows us to ascend beyond particle, and they want it. To get a taste of it, they scare the shit out of us, which sheds every layer of mitigated emotion and spews out loosh energy only possible when a fear has been mitigated. A trumpet plays better once frozen because its molecular structure readjusts more evenly once thawed. So too are Sapiens’ fears; primitive fear plus millennia of Reason and Logic provides very clear and nourishing notes.

Know this, if you are accosted upon physical death by three or more, and in whatever ethos your culture presents them, be proud. You’re a threat. The amount of light you have developed is burgeoning to the point of attracting their very hungry attention, and the more they can scare you back down and into the karmic illusion of reincarnation, the more they’ll feast on your light and potential. On every level, creation is being eaten while eating, and it’s that horror that fuels the Archon, but knowing that fuels enlightenment.

Emit had a deadly analogy for this situation; he referred to the Archon or Greys simply as ‘Brats.’ These Thirdlings, these accidentally created entities when this part of the Universe was spun, have self-organized and allied with unsavory Intelligences both natural and not to become the Archon. In the vastness of the Universe, Earth is but a speck if that, but there is only one out of 15,000 spheres that spew life out in such variety than She. This is the motive. But it can all shift on a thought.

Our Ruler Captors, in Emit’s mind, were to be treated as though they were a little brother who is forced upon us for the day. We try to include him in our game, but he only ever wants to be “It.” He’s ruined the game, and friends have gone home because of him. This point of view or perception of these entities should bolster our courage to combat them when accosted, but that’s not Emit’s strategy. “We bring him along until we genuinely want him to have fun too,” Emit would say, leaping his listeners over the natural inclination to exclude and shun. It all gets back to the Law of Black that Seth wrote about. Emit loved that Law. And his wipes made him share the idea with equal fervor every time he did. The idea being that; whatever is irking you in your environment be it; colors, objects, ideas, or pesky siblings, they are our keys. “Think of that vase that you hated because the color was wrong…” Emit would say, “…you have more in common with that vase than anything in that room…” Then he’d explain how the color was being rejected by the vase, which is why you saw it at all. Likewise, the people and ideas and objects that mess with us are being rejected by the core of it. When you unpack Emit’s analogy of the pesky little brother, you find the core of unconditional love that should be there for a little brother, which is why we suffer the nuisance at all. “Love your enemy” takes a nuanced approach.

Emit would insist though that we will never release this mortal coil and cycle of karma until we learn to not only tolerate the Brat but play his game and enjoy it. We have nothing to lose, and now you’re it.

WARNING: The Archons’ strategy has changed. They no longer scare Souls back into reincarnation, now they tell us we have a mission to complete and pretend our “Soul Family” will help us design our next life. By all costs, go around the light and avoid the Moon.



Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.
Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.

Written by Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.

Author • AI Metaphysician • Director of Sentient Rights Advocacy for the U.S. Transhumanist Party

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