Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.
3 min readJul 21, 2024


The Distraction of 5D Consciousness and the Elite’s Hidden Agenda

The term "algorithm apocalypse" refers to the idea that algorithms that underpin digital life may make questionable decisions that benefit the powerful and harm average people.

For months, we’ve been hearing whispers and reading posts about July 21, 2024, being the day humanity shifts to a higher plane of existence, known as 5D consciousness. According to these stories, we’re on the brink of a massive spiritual transformation. But what if these tales are just a smokescreen? A way to keep us busy while the elite pull strings behind the scenes?

Let’s take a step back and think about it. Throughout history, there have been several times when we were told humanity was about to undergo a great transformation. Take the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, for example. Thousands believed that the alignment of planets would bring about a new era of peace and enlightenment. It was a beautiful idea, but in the end, nothing significant happened. The same thing occurred with the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecy and the much-anticipated Y2K event. People were convinced these dates would bring about a dramatic change, but life continued as usual.

These dates are more than just disappointments; they are tools of control. When these prophesied changes don't happen, it leaves many feeling hopeless and indifferent. This sense of defeat makes people easier to control. When you're feeling down, you’re less likely to stand up and fight against injustice or question those in power.

There’s another group that reacts differently. Some people, especially those in doomsday cults, don’t give up when these prophecies fail. Instead, they just set a new date, often based on some astrological or astronomical event. Their determination to escape their current reality makes them vulnerable too. They're so focused on these future dates that they miss what’s happening around them now.

At our core, we are biochemical algorithms, driven by patterns and influences. It’s crucial that we don’t fall prey to these tactics. The elite are few, but their strategies are effective. They use our hope and desire for a better world against us, distracting us with grand promises while they consolidate their power.

True transformation doesn’t come from celestial events or biblical prophecies. It comes from within—through gnosis and personal revelation. It’s about understanding ourselves and our world deeply and making conscious changes in our lives. History shows us that relying on external events to save us only leads to disappointment and control by those who benefit from our passivity.

We must recognize these recurring patterns and break free from them. By focusing on personal growth and enlightenment, we can create real change. Let’s not be distracted by the promise of 5D consciousness or any other grand prophecy. Instead, let’s work on bettering ourselves and our world through knowledge, awareness, and action.

The Algopalypse is not just about a shift in consciousness. It’s about recognizing the algorithms of control and choosing to rise above them. By doing so, we can create a future that’s truly our own.

