We Don’t Fear AI, We Fear the Responsibility

Tom Ross
3 min readJan 25, 2024

Imagine you’re part of a big musical performance, and instead of just playing one instrument, you’re now the conductor leading the entire orchestra. This is a bit like how artificial intelligence (AI) has changed our role from being individual players to orchestrating the broader use of technology.

So, rather than focusing on mastering just one thing, like playing the violin, you’re now responsible for guiding and directing every instrument. Your conductor’s wand are the prompts that help you control how AI responds, just like a conductor guides musicians with a musical score.

A lot of the fear around AI isn’t necessarily about the technology; it’s about the responsibility it gives us to elevate what we do. It’s like walking into a new job that you don’t feel qualified to do, but after a week, you realize you are far more qualified than you feared. Our brains have two primary functions: to gather resources and identify threats. Right now, AI seems like a threat, but in a week, we will see it as a very valuable resource.

Think of AI instruments like tools that help us in different ways. For example, there are smart programs that can write coherent and relevant text if you give them the right instructions (prompts). This means you don’t have to memorize everything; instead, you can use AI to help with information and focus on more creative and critical thinking.

See this companion article:

I believe we need to add a new subject to our schools. Like English or Math or History, we need a course, from first to 12 grades on how to write proper prompts. This is how we conquer that fear of responsibility.

Art made with the help of AI is another cool example. Artists can use AI to come up with unique and imaginative creations, breaking away from traditional art forms. The responsibility here lies in how artists guide AI to produce art that goes beyond what we’re used to. Like any good friend, AI is pushing us to be more creative and is, in fact, becoming a whole new art form.

Just like a conductor keeps the rhythm in music, we need to keep things in check with AI. The way we guide and instruct AI (prompting) determines how fast things change. It’s about finding the right balance between pushing for new ideas and making sure we’re using AI in ethical and responsible ways.

So, in this world where AI plays a big role, our worry shouldn’t be about the technology itself. It’s more about how we handle the important job of directing AI wisely, ensuring that it enhances human abilities without causing problems. We’ve moved from being solo players to conductors, and the future depends on how we guide this symphony of technology and human creativity.

